Sell your Retired Equipment for more $$$! Here’s how SolarTrak can help.

Was your Equipment Working? Know When and for How Long!

April 11, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized

Here’s something that will make both you and your Billing Department very happy…

When you install SolarTrak fleet management trackers on your equipment, you will be able to see exactly when your equipment was operating. By the hour, day, week and month. Makes billing easy and accurate. Get every penny of rental income from every machine, every time.


If this was the only benefit, you’d be happy… but SolarTrak can make you even happier. Here’s how:

  • Know exactly by GPS coordinates where each piece of equipment is – no more “misplaced” equipment
  • Get alerted when the equipment moves – no more unauthorized transfers
  • Get text or email reminders for maintenance – keep your fleet in shape and earning money

Happiest news: all this for under $10 per month per unit. Small price to make so many people smile. Start by requesting a demo, and see for yourself!


April 2, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized

Already a SolarTrak user? Then you’re a Winner too!

Show season for SolarTrak is officially over, and we’ve held our drawings for the winners in our Amazon Dot Giveaway. Here are the winners from all shows:

Dave Harkins from Harko Equipment Rental in GA

Bryan Click from Arizona Hi-Lift in AZ

Mark Young from Quinn Rental Services in CA

Ray Nibbe from Wagner Rents Inc. in CO

Bob Green from Garden State Highway Products in NJ

These lucky winners can now connect with Alexis hands free to ask for weather, news or music, making their lives a bit easier.

Didn’t win? You can also make your life a LOT easier – by installing SolarTrak to connect with your construction equipment. By using SolarTrak GPS Trackers, you can locate, monitor and manage your equipment from your desk or cell phone…. Not quite hands free – but the same quick access to valuable information that will save you time, money and aggravation.

Become a winner too. See a free demo and learn how SolarTrak can work for you: call 484-223-4994 or request a demo here

Tracker leads Police to Arrow – Stolen from Houston Barricade

March 4, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized

In February of 2019, Houston Barricade & Supply leased one of their arrow boards to a long-term customer.  Houston Barricade’s fleet is equipped with SolarTrak telematics trackers and the fleet is monitored daily.  The arrow board in question was stored in a location out of the norm and flagged the attention of Houston Barricade’s President, James Suggs. He called his lease customer and they confirmed the arrow board had been stolen.

Mr. Suggs then called the Houston Police Department and explained the situation and was able to give the police the exact location of the stolen equipment.

When the police went to the physical location, they found the board had been painted with colors and logos matching the other equipment in the yard. The thieves had removed the arrow board’s serial numbers.  Houston Barricade was able to reclaim their equipment with the tracker serial number shown in the SolarTrak system.

Houston Barricade & Supply was an early adopter of SolarTrak Fleet Management, and SolarTrak is pleased that the sign was found and reclaimed so quickly.

This success story could be yours, too. Call 484-223-4994 and talk to our reps about how SolarTrak can help not only protect, but also manage your fleet.