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New Features!! Icons, custom state assignments, AEMP notes, and more!

April 11, 2022 | Posted in Uncategorized

New Asset Types & Icons

We’ve added new asset types to SolarTrak, as requested by our customers.



And the undisputed highlight of our weekly team calls:

Custom States

SolarTrak now supports assigning Custom States to assets. Custom States are flags like: On Site, Off Site, Needs Overhaul – or whatever you’d need to keep track of an asset. Custom states show up in the maintenance field, and you can filter the asset list by them.

To define a custom state, visit the Organization Settings page (click your name in the right hand corner to reveal the drop-down menu), and remember to his ‘Save’ after adding a few. To apply them to an asset, edit the asset and choose the custom state you want.

Custom States was added as a feature when we saw customers using Branches to represent custom states. When we designed Branches, we assumed that an Asset would remain part of one Branch, and so portions of our interface were designed around that – hopefully, custom states will let you limit the number of Branches a user needs to manage.

Third Wire Voltage

Over the past few months, we’ve enhanced our Third-Wire trackers to support measuring things other than engine start-stop. It is now possible to measure the voltage of the third wire, use it to represent on-off states, and even (with a fuel level sensor) to measure the fuel in an asset.

We’ve been testing this with adventurous partners, and to keep the Model interface simple, we turn this functionality off by default. If you find that you will benefit from the third wire voltage, contact us and we’ll turn it on.

Augmented AEMP Notes

Many of our customers like to add notes to their assets. (You can do this by hitting Edit on the asset page.) Now, these notes are made available via Augmented AEMP, so you can access them in other programs. Once logged in, click your name in the right hand corner to reveal the drop-down menu, and Augmented AEMP can be found under Public API.

Thank you!

As of this post, we are storing over 1.7 billion asset locations in our databases! Thank you for trusting us to support your business.